On April 10, RLEHS had an information table at Open House. This school used to be known as Rio Linda Jr High, but recently began serving grades 5-8. Grades K-4 go to Dry Creek School down the street.

To attract students and parents to our table,

a history quiz was created. Just taking the quiz meant the participant got a piece of candy.

It soon became obvious, no one knew much about our local history. Here are some of the best (or curious) WRONG answers:
1. The Indian group that lived in this area … the Rio Lindians.
2. The first white settler built a road house in … 1960
3. Agricultural product which attracted people … hoc
4. Reason it failed … muddy ran out/economy
5. Main agricultural business from 1920s-1980s … golden poppies

Other community groups were invited to come, including the Rio Linda High School Touchdown Club. L-R: Zeph Payne, Allen Smith-Freshman Football Coach, Janelle Bosick, Shirley Smith, Justin Rebec-NEW Head Varsity Football Coach.